Edits Coding

BLUE is changes directly from my beta, shri_tal

RED is others feedback and things I found on my own

YELLOW is things I changed after reviewing my beta's comments, but are not direct suggestions

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eloquence Drudgery Bit

I acknowledge that Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Cardassia, etc. are the property of either Paramount or CBS, not entirely sure which due to the changes in 2006. The story is however mine, and done solely for entertainment purposes.

This story began with the following challenge, posted on The Garak/Bashir Fuh-q Fest website:

Garak, through accident or illness, gets irreversible brain damage affecting his speech--he cannot speak at all, and must re-learn to speak like a child. 

This story started out as a straightforward psychological effects of torture story, but evolved after doing a little research into speech and the brain. So, the result fits the requirements, barely.

Stay Tuned ;-P

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