Edits Coding

BLUE is changes directly from my beta, shri_tal

RED is others feedback and things I found on my own

YELLOW is things I changed after reviewing my beta's comments, but are not direct suggestions

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Familiar New Frontier Chapter Two

Ratings:  MC, MHS

2 – The Needs of Many - 2

            “There are many Cardassians that need a doctor much more than I.” Garak finally responded.
            “I’m sure that’s true, but I’m not speaking as a doctor. I’m speaking as a friend. As a friend, let me help you!” Julian’s voice was a quiet appeal. “I came here to work as a doctor, that doesn’t change. But, mainly I came because you are my friend. And, I’m going to help you whether you let me or not.”
            “Well, then it seems to me you needn’t ask. But, if you insist on helping me you can replicate about eight more servings of that excellent food.” Garak responded sounding almost like his usual self. But, there was something different about Gar… Elim that Julian couldn’t place.
            “You can’t possible expect that type of food to keep, Elim.” Julian looked at Garak, who had begun to rummage about the shuttle looking for something. He turned around with a large, empty container, “Of course not doctor. And, you will also want to bring your medkit.”
            “We are going somewhere?” Julian was beginning to feel like the young, naïve officer that had first meet the Cardassian spy so many years ago.
            “Yes, doctor.” Garak smiled graciously at the befuddled man standing across from him. “You don’t think I could eat all of this on my own.”
            “No, of course not, that would be preposterous.” Julian quibbled. “The name is Julian by the way.” Julian went about preparing his medkit.
            “Yes, doctor, I know.” Garak feigned ignorance.
            “Garak… I mean Elim. If I am going to call you by your first name then surely you can call me by mine.” Julian had managed to get his medkit ready quickly and started helping with the food.
            “Perhaps…” was Garak’s only response as he continued with the preparations.
            “G… Elim, how far are we going with all of this? I really don’t think you should be over-exerting yourself right now. You need rest.” Julian was piling the replicated food into the container Garak had found earlier.
            “I thought you wanted to help.” Garak’s mischievous smile was firmly in place.
            “I want to help. I want to help you… I mean…” Julian stumbled over the words.
            “And, you are helping me.” Garak interrupted.
            Julian sighed, “You know what I mean.” There is a pause in the conversation while he contemplates his and Garak’s friendship, the way the man standing in the shuttle with him always managed to keep him dancing around. There was certainly never a dull moment.
“Why is it that you are so good at making me look like I just graduated from the academy?” Julian grinned despite himself; “I just don’t want you over doing it right now. That’s all. I care about you. You’re my friend, the only one I have on Cardassia so far. And, I know you are in need of rest, a lot of it. You have really pushed yourself to your limits recently. Life would be a whole lot duller without you around to complicate it. I don’t think I would care for a duller life.” Julian tried to inject some humor into the moment; he didn’t much car for exposing his feelings this openly.
            That difference that Julian had noticed earlier in Garak reappeared, “Doctor… Julian, I promise that after this errand I will rest. I might even allow you to pester me with your ministrations.” There is another pause in the conservation, this one caused by Julian’s surprise at the response.
            “This is that important then?” Julian surmised.
            “What makes you say that?” Garak was enjoying himself again.
            “Well, you’re actually going to listen to me, do what I say.” Julian hid a smirk reasonably well.
            But, Garak didn’t miss it, “I said I might.” With that Garak picked up the box of food and turned to leave the shuttle.
            The smirk almost left Julian’s face as he followed the Cardassian out, the medkit slung over his shoulder. “What do you mean might? You said…”
            “That I would rest.” Garak cut over Julian’s protest.
            Julian fell into a pensive silence as he followed Garak on their as yet unknown errand. He was about to challenge Elim on the validity of his “not far statement” when Julian realized that the claim had never been made. “How much farther until we reach our destination?”
            “Not…” Garak stopped abruptly. He repositioned the container so that it was held by only on hand, and placed the other over the middle of his stomach.
            “Are you okay?” Julian was concerned and instantly went into doctor mode, moving to grab his medkit and wave it over Garak.
            “I’m fine. Just a bit of a stomach cramp.” He pushed the tricorder away from himself.
            “Elim…” Julian didn’t get to say much more.
            “I’m fine now, doctor. It was nothing more than an unexpected stomach cramp. It has passed already. Shall we continue? We are almost there after all.” Garak motioned towards a small bombed out building about a hundred meters away.
            Julian looked at the building in question and then his friend. He was a bit worried by the obvious show of pain, not typical behavior for Garak. But, Elim seemed determined in his mission, whatever it was, and Julian had become curious by now. “Okay, but I’m going to carry the food the rest of the way.”
            He reached over and grabbed the container before any protest was made. Garak simply continued down the rubble-strewn road. He stopped just before the entrance of the building and turned to Julian, “Before we go in you should know that foreigners are feared by many Cardassians right now and doctors in particular terrify some of the occupants here. I think it best if you go by Mr. Bashir, or Bashir.”
            Julian was a bit taken aback by this revelation, “I can see why many Cardassians are mistrustful of outsiders, but fearing doctors? What has caused that?”
            “I will fill you in later. I would suggest that you word things in simple non-medical terms when explaining things also.” Garak finished quickly before moving into the remains of the building. Julian was mulling over the information, but responded to Elim’s back.
            “Julian then, I am not about to be call Mr. Bashir,” he sounded adamant.
            “Then Julian it will be. Now be quiet while I do the introductions.” Garak said as he moved into the next room.
            It was dimly light, but Julian could see that there were about six or seven people in various areas around the room. As he looked closer he realized that they were all children. The oldest was probably eight or nine years old. Julian stepped from behind Garak as one of the smallest children came running across the room arms wide open yelling, “EEEEEELLLLLLLLLIIIIMMMMMMM!” He pulled up short just before barreling into Garak full force at the sight of the strange human. Elim squatted down and reached out his arms in a welcoming gesture, “It’s okay Kamar, this is Julian. He is a good friend of mine.” Garak paused a moment. The boy seemed hesitant still, “Come here. Julian won’t hurt you, he’s a friend.”
            The boy was motionless for a moment with indecision, and then jolted into Elim’s open arms knocking the older Cardassian down. “It’s good to see you too, Kamar.” Garak was laughing slightly at the boy’s enthusiasm. “Everyone, this is Julian. As I said, he is my friend. He is here to help. Now everyone line up we’ve brought food.”
            “Food, but it’s not ration day.” A voice from someone in the room called out, as the room filled with motion.
            “This isn’t ration food, Julian has supplied us with a much more delicious fare. Now come on, don’t be shy.” Elim’s words were directed at the two children that had not yet moved to receive some of the food. They cautiously obeyed.
            Everyone got his or her bowl of soup, bread, and Rokassa juice then settled down to eat. The atmosphere became more relaxed as the children got used to Julian’s presence. Kamar, who looked to be about four, clung to Garak fiercely. It took a bit of persuasion on Elim’s part to get the boy to reluctantly release the tight embrace and eat. This was only achieved by Elim letting the boy sit in his lap while eating.
            As the young Cardassians began to finish there meals Julian leaned over to whisper in Garak’s ear, “I assume there’s a reason you asked me to bring the kit?”
            “Yes, many of them have minor injuries or illnesses that have not been attended to. I have done what I could, but I’m not trained.” Garak whispered back very aware of the young boy in his lap.
            “Well, how do you suggest I go about… helping?” Julian struggled to find a word to use that wouldn’t alarm the boy. He wasn’t sure whether doctors frightened Kamar or not.
            “I suppose you should start with the ones that are most comfortable with you.” Garak paused before continuing in a knowing way. “That would be the three girls. They seem quite taken with you.”
            Julian groaned slightly, “Don’t tell me that.”
            “I thought you would find their attentions flattering.” Garak was perplexed.
            “I was really hoping to get away from the hassle of turning down admires of the way to young disposition.” Julian answered. He considered saying the female persuasion, but wasn’t sure how Elim would handle the comment.
            “I see. Well, no need to worry. I’m sure they will be to shy around you to cause difficulties.” Elim was amused.
            “Easy for you to say. They aren’t interested in you.” Julian remarked through a grimace as he moved towards the girls. He had really grown tired of the so-called farer sex. Ezri had been the last woman he had dated. He thought that being a joined Trill would make it better. She would have insight from her previous male hosts. It really hadn’t been any different than the other women he had dated since joining Starfleet. Maybe now that he was in a frontier not dominated by Starfleet he would feel comfortable seeking out male companionship.
            Garak remained were he was with Kamar once again turned around and hugging his neck fervently. “Kamar, were is your sister tonight?”
            The only response from the boy was to settle down so that he held Elim’s waist and he wedged his head into Garak’s underarm. This surprised the older Cardassian. Kamar was usually talkative and full of energy. He decided that further prying was needed, but wasn’t sure the best way to go about questioning the boy. He didn’t want to intimidate, but would need to coax Kamar into talking. At the moment it seemed wiser to let Kamar get comfortable again. In the meantime he watched Julian move about the room attending to the children. He really was quiet good with them.
As time passed Kamar relaxed in Elim’s lap, finding comfort in the light embrace provided by the adult Cardassian. Garak had noticed the slow transition and thought that he would soon be able to figure out what was bothering the boy.
Julian had just moved to examine the next to last boy. Garak knew that the boy’s broken wrist needed better treatment than he could provide, but until Julian arrived had not managed to figure out how to get the need treatment. He had resorted to setting the bone himself and figured that it would just have to heal the natural way.
            Garak’s attention returned to Kamar as the boy started wiggling in his lap a bit. Looking down Elim noticed that the boy was trying very hard not to scratch at his chest and there was a slight wheeziness to the breathing. Well, that explained some of Kamar’s unusual behavior, “Are you having trouble with your condition again?” Garak asked the boy softly as he grasped the boy’s hands gently to help the boy in his efforts to not scratch.
            “Yes.” the boy responded with a bit of a whimper.
            “And, your sister went to get you the medicine you need.” Garak inferred. He might as well get all the information now, before he had to decide how to respond to the situation. “When is your sister supposed to be back?”
            Kamar just shrugged his shoulders and pressed himself closer to Elim. His eyes were starting to become watery as he tried not to cry. Garak noticed. He positioned both of the boy’s hands in one of his and moved his other to stroke the spoon-shaped ridge on the boy’s forehead soothingly. “When did she leave, Kamar?” he suspected that she was late in returning.
            Julian finished “helping” the broken wrist and received an appreciative smile from the eleven or twelve year old boy. He headed back over to Elim and Kamar, as the boy was the only one he hadn’t checked, but was stop in his tracks. The sight of Garak tenderly attending to the clearly upset child was endearing. After reading the letter of Elim’s life he wasn’t surprised at the compassion there. It would have surprised him a few years ago, but only slightly. He had noticed Garak’s soft side early on, even thought it was rarely shown. Julian thinks that there was more of Mila’s tenderness than Tain’s cruelty there all along. It had just been conditioned into suppression.
            He half turned back to the boy beside him, “Is Kamar okay?”
            The oldest boy there, he understood best what was going on, “Kamar’s sick. His sister went to get ‘im medicine, but she hasn’t returned. She’s supposed to be back a week ago. I sent some of the boys out lookin’ for her yesterday. They didn’t find her or any information. We’re going to tell Elim during our next pickup.”
            “Pickup?” Julian was a little distracted by the scene unfolding before him. He could see how much Garak cared for the boy, and understood his determination to come here today.
            “Yeah, pickup. He gets rations once a month from the gov’ment, like most who’s not on the streets, and he shares ‘em with us. As well as repairs our clothes and help when we gets hurt.”
            Julian’s attention returned in full to the boy beside him, “How’d that happen?”
            “We’d heard about a man repairs clothes. Says he’s the one made the monuments, don’t charge none. Figured we’d investigate. End of story.” The boy shrugged slightly. “Not many like him. Help the likes of us an’ all.”
            “What do you mean? There’s not enough aid, but still there are many helping.” Julian is surprised by the comment.
            “Yeah, for those with family. Not us.” he sounded resigned.
            “You mean orphans.” Julian began to understand.
            “Yeah, orphans. We’re without status, undesirables.” the boy sounded bitter.
            “But, with the catastrophic loss of life I thought that would change. To many are orphaned now to think that way.” Julian was appalled by this news.
            “Well, ‘s true for some. Those had high family status before the attack treat alrigh’. But, not most. Tha’s why Elim’s diff’rent.” he sounded prideful, even reverent as he spoke.
            They continued to watch Elim in silence for a moment.
“We’ll return the favor someday. He deserves that much.” the boy sounds determined.
            “Yes, he deserves better than the circumstances have allotted.” Julian moved towards the two, man and boy. “I’ll tell him what’s happened.”


Constructive criticism welcome. Remember, this is a first draft so be kind. 

I acknowledge that Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Cardassia, etc. are the property of either Paramount or CBS, not entirely sure which due to the changes in 2006. The story is however mine, and done solely for entertainment purposes.



2 – Making Refuge - 2

Friday, January 21, 2011


Ratings: Teen


Elim Garak
Julian Bashir
Tora Ziyal
Enabran Tain

-Scene 1-

(A long straight path sloping down to an L-shaped Natatorium. The path is crushed gravel. It is early winter, no snow. Seen from a distance, Garak and Julian are walking down the path. It is clear that Garak is setting the pace. Julian is barely keeping up while carrying on an impassioned speech. The words are heard, but not intelligible)

-Scene 2-

(Garak and Julian are just entering the atrium. Garak stops and observers the staircase.)

Well, now I know how to win a debate with you. We just have to have them in the cold.

Just because I didn’t interrupt your rant doesn’t mean I have conceded the point.

Wha… (Julian is caught off guard and looks slightly dumbfounded.)

So, what do you think? The use of the stairs as the focal point of the atrium is a simple and elegant move, is it not?

It does have a simple beauty to it.

Yes, it does. One would almost think the building was designed by a Cardassian instead of a Human. Where did you say this is a replication of?

Some place on the North American continent in the 2010’s, not sure exactly.

(They stand enjoying the atmosphere of the peaceful atrium for a moment.)

I don’t know about you, but I find that the warmth is returning to my extremities. Shall we continue in our pursuit?

Lead the way, my friend.

(They turn right and head for the locker room. Cut to view of them walking into the much more confined, cave-like area. Dialogue continues without interruption.)

And, how am I to take that last statement of yours? I can’t tell if you’re serious or just trying to irritate me.

That’s the brilliance of my method. Now, no matter the beauty, as you put it, of this building I will never understand why the architect chose to make such a long path to get to the building. It’s nice in the summer and spring when warm, but for the rest of the year… I find it almost unbearable. Of course if you wouldn’t insist on experiencing the full effect we could set the program to the summer setting permanently.

You’re just too sensitive to the cold Garak. I’m sure you will figure out why I insist on the cold experience soon enough. Anyway, would you like to make use of one of the changing cubicles?

-Scene 3-     FLASHBACK

(This scene is completely silent. A young Garak is trapped in a small confined space. It is dimly lit. It is apparent that he is pleading to someone on the other side of the door. Cut to Enabran Tain imputing a locking code on the door. Cut back to Garak. He is grasping at the chest of his tunic and gasping for breath. He leans against the wall and begins to slip slowly down the surface still gasping. It is clear that tears are rolling down his cheeks. As he moves closer to the floor the scene moves to grey and fades out from the edges. It does not finish fading.)

-Scene 4- Back in the Present

Garak? Are you okay?

(The scene suddenly goes back to color and the fade surrounding Garak’s face is removed to show the locker room in the present.)

Wh… What were you saying?

Are you okay? You just zoned out and became very pale. I thought you were going to faint.

I am fine. (Very unconvincingly)

Are you sure? (Julian looks ready to head for the nearest medical tricorder)

I’m perfectly fine. (An only slightly more convincing attempt) And, to answer your first question, I prefer to change in the open.

Well, if you don’t mind then I don’t feel bad changing in front of you. In fact I think I might enjoy the opportunity.

Don’t let Ziyal hear you say that, she’ll be quite jealous.

(Garak has recovered to his normal bantering self. He changes into his dark blue swim trunks quickly and begins to head for the shower room.)

I don’t care for the cool in here; I will wait for you in the showers. Besides, I prefer to take my time and enjoy the experience, a precursor for the main event one might say.

See you there. Where are we meeting Ziyal?

She is probably already in the pool- you were late, after all.

-Scene 5-

(The shower room is an open room with a few half walls to indicate the shower’s placement. Ziyal is there.)

I expected you to be in the pool already.

I decided to enjoy the showers while I waited for you. Did Julian decide not to come?

You aren’t that lucky. He’s still changing and will be along shortly.

Oh. (With disappointment)

I simply couldn’t resist the draw of the moist, hot showers any longer. Don’t look so disappointed. I will begin to think you don’t like Julian.

(Julian enters at this moment.)

Who doesn’t like me?

No one, I was just picking on Ziyal. So, Ziyal what do you think of Romeo and Juliet? I was just listening to Julian give an impassioned defense of the work on our way here.

It’s over rated.

I was of the same opinion. Children rebelling against their parents and completely misunderstanding what love truly is. (This last part is clearly meant to imply more than the obvious.)

(Julian is pretending to ignore the conversation and has quickly washed off while it occurs.)

Are we all ready to swim?

You really should learn to slow down and enjoy yourself, think of the showers as a sauna experience.

Well, I’ve a schedule to keep. I can’t just close up shop when I chose.

Very well, shall we continue to the pool Ziyal? The doctor can’t be as leisurely as those of the lesser professions.

I don’t have to work at all. (A mock innocence that is clearly intended to needle Julian) I’ll be there shortly.

(Garak moves towards the doors to the pool with Julian.)

(Defensively) I’m not saying owning a store isn’t important. You just have more control over your schedule is all.

I was only, to use a Human phrase, needling you. I truly took no offense. Besides one could argue that your role here on the station is much more vital than that of a plain and simple tailor. Of course, those are the ones with no sense of fashion.

If you say, but…. (Julian reaches to the top of his head) oh great, I forgot my goggles. Be there in a minute.

-Scene 6-

(Garak walks around to the far lane of the pool within the large warm pool area. He slides into the warm water.)

Aaah. Now I understand.


Constructive criticism welcome. Just leave a comment. 

I acknowledge that Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Cardassia, etc. are the property of either Paramount or CBS, not entirely sure which due to the changes in 2006. The story is however mine, and done solely for entertainment purposes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Moments Drudgery Bit

I acknowledge that Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Cardassia, etc. are the property of either Paramount or CBS, not entirely sure which due to the changes in 2006. The story is however mine, and done solely for entertainment purposes.

Okay this was developed for a class of mine. Of course for the class it was a bit different, the characters were my own interpretation of Garak, Julian, and Ziyal if they were people living today on Earth. But, I really wanted to do the version with the lovable Star Trek character from Deep Space Nine.

Open Source Writing Note- I'm not posting the drafts of the story this is based on because they aren't technically Deep Space Nine. I also don't want to publish work from my school/career world on this blog, as it is not a very professional blog. Keeping private life and work life separate.

Summary- Garak and Bashir go to a Natatorium in the holosuite together. They meet Ziyal there.