Edits Coding

BLUE is changes directly from my beta, shri_tal

RED is others feedback and things I found on my own

YELLOW is things I changed after reviewing my beta's comments, but are not direct suggestions

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Day In (Part 26 of the Drabble Series)

Rating:                    AC for A
Characters:                Elim Garak
Pairing/s:                 None
Notes:                     Drinking, Depression

Set During: Season 1 Episode 17 “The Forsaken”

            It had been common knowledge for the past week that a group of Federation Ambassadors would be touring the station. Garak had decided that it would be prudent to keep a low profile during the visit. However, he wasn’t about to pass up such a good opportunity to gain useful information. It was unfortunate that Julian had been assigned as the ambassadors’ liaison officer. Garak was sure that he could have gained plenty of information from the dear Doctor.
            Instead Garak had opted to not open the shop and remain in his quarters. He sat behind the desk pouring over the computer readouts. He’d managed to hack into the system, but it had taken over an hour to covertly disable all of constable Odo’s security protocols; the man was really quite talented. Unfortunately, he’d found nothing of use so far.
            It was amazing how easy it was to hack into three of the ambassadors’ journals; the Vulcan’s had been a pleasant challenge. Unfortunately, the journals had been filled with useless and often pity information. Just as he was beginning to find so slightly interesting technical, if not ticket to Cardassia, information from the Vulcan’s journal the computer started malfunctioning.
            Garak was just beginning to realize that the main station’s computer must be on the frits when the lights dimmed. His first thought was, finally the light levels are appropriately dimmed. He decided that there was no point in fighting with the computer. He wasn’t about to fix the problem, and it didn’t seem there was anything useful to find anyway.
            Garak stood up and stretched. He hadn’t realized how long it had been since he sat down in front of the computer. He walked over to the replicator and was about to order rokassa juice when he remembered the bottle of kanar he had on the bookshelf.
            He might as well indulge. He wasn’t going anywhere today. Garak retrieved the bottle and an empty glass. It had been a quite some time since he had enjoyed a good glass of kanar. He poured a glass and reflected that it was going to be more difficult than he thought to gain information that would get him home.
            He downed the glass of kanar in one go. Why hadn’t he just wished himself back to Cardassia with the adoration of those in power to boot? He poured another glass and downed it quickly.
            It seemed colder in his quarters than usual. He vaguely wondered if it was the systems malfunctions or his morose mood. It didn’t really matter. He decided to crawl into bed with his kanar. He’d feel much better under the warm blankets.

            It wasn’t until the a few days later that Garak heard about Julian’s heroics during the fire. He felt at once proud and angry with the dear Doctor. His abilities and quick thinking were finally beginning to show through. But, what had the man been thinking to put his self in danger like that?
            Garak tried very hard to convince himself that it was because Julian was his best chance at a ticket back to Cardassia that he reacted so strongly to the news. He wasn’t becoming attached to the young, naïve, and beautiful man. He didn’t have friends. He couldn’t afford them, not before his exile and definitely not now. 


General comments and constructive criticism welcome. Feel free to comment. 

I acknowledge that Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Cardassia, etc. are the property of either Paramount or CBS, not entirely sure which due to the changes in 2006. The story is however mine, and done solely for entertainment purposes.


Station Staging

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