Rating: MC
Set During: Season 1 Episode 15 “Progress”
“That’s true, but you’re talking about two very different times. At the time this play was written many people were physically scarred. And, women weren’t well educated. They were presented with these romantic ideas and sheltered from the reality of the world. They were naïve and easy prey for the likes of Erik.” Julian looked triumphant.
“The mask doesn’t make sense, even in that context. He’s clearly disowned the society that treated him so poorly. Why would he use a mask? He’s clearly not trying to fit into the society.” Garak’s rebuttal caught Julian by surprise.
Julian took a bite of his soup to give him time to think. Garak sipped his rokassa juice. He enjoyed watching the man think, his face was so transparent.
“He wears the mask because he’s ashamed of himself. He may have attempted to shun society, but he’s still a man. He still desires love and caring. He knows his appearance will prevent him from ever gaining that love.” Julian replies thoughtfully.
“What about the Persian then? It would seem that he at least was able to show kindness to Erik, even while knowing who and what he was, a monster.” Garak challenged.
“Erik wasn’t a monster. That’s the whole point of the book. That’s why in the end he’s able to sacrifice his own happiness for the one person he truly cared about. It’s society that was the monster.” Julian couldn’t believe that Garak had missed the whole point of the story.
“But, Doctor, he was a monster. The Persian understood that, yet he still didn’t hate the man. I found the Persian to be the only other interesting character in the book. Although, it’s beyond me to understand how he overlooked Erik’s faults. Still, in the end, he was able to put aside his feelings and do what he knew was right.”
“Garak, I don’t see how you can call Erik a monster. Just because he didn’t look the same as everybody…”
Garak cut him off. “He’s not a monster because of how he looks. He’s a monster because of what he did. He defied the state on numerous occasions. He put his wants and desires before duty.”
“Are you actually suggesting that he should have been loyal to people that treated him like an animal? Garak the whole point of this book is to show how it’s the wrongs of society that made Erik act as he did. In the end, he was a good person though. When he was shown just a small amount of kindness he was able to do what was right. It’s society and the state that was the monster.” Julian was dumbfounded by Garak’s inability to understand the point.
“A very human view point. I found the ending to be utterly ridiculous and unbelievable. The author would have us believe that a brilliant and resourceful man with no scruples as regards to laws and society would because of one tiny act of kindness completely change his ways. Really, it’s optimistic to the point of reckless, Doctor.”
“This book’s a statement on societies need to change. It showed that often society creates its own problems, that by changing our prejudices we can make a better world.” Julian argued passionately.
“If you say so, Doctor. We will just have to agree to disagree.” Garak finished his drink and sat the cup down. “I’d like to thank you for a very entertaining lunch. Perhaps we can do it again sometime.”
“I think I’d like that. Perhaps we can find other works of literature to exchange?” Julian smiled roguishly.
“I’m sure we can.” Garak smiled as he stood up. He bowed his head slightly before heading back to his shop.
General comments and constructive criticism welcome. Feel free to comment.
I acknowledge that Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Cardassia, etc. are the property of either Paramount or CBS, not entirely sure which due to the changes in 2006. The story is however mine, and done solely for entertainment purposes.
Wakeup Call
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