Edits Coding

BLUE is changes directly from my beta, shri_tal

RED is others feedback and things I found on my own

YELLOW is things I changed after reviewing my beta's comments, but are not direct suggestions

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stationary Speculations (Part 3 of the Drabble Series)

Ratings: MC, IV

Set During: Season 1 Episode 1 “Emissary Part 1 & 2”

            Garak had been laying in bed for around thirteen hours now. He’d managed to determine that the implant was functioning, a bad sign. He shouldn’t have felt the pain so strongly. Perhaps it had been a bad idea to make that remote. Oh well, it was too late now. He’d decided that it would be better to just turn the damn thing on constantly.
            He still felt very cold. He’d turned the heated blanket up to maximum, but that only helped a little. Jabara had assured him that it wasn’t continuing symptoms of shock. Apparently, Starfleet’s chief engineer, or whatever he was called, had reset the station’s environmental settings. That would have to be the first thing he fixed after getting out of this infernal bed.
            Jabara re-entered the room. She was later than usual. Garak didn’t feel like being hospitable.
            “I see you weren’t sleeping. Is the pain keeping you awake?” Jabara could tell that Garak wasn’t going to be very personable. She didn’t let that stop her.
            “As a matter of fact, yes. You’re three hours late for you’re visit.”
            “The doctor just arrived on the station. I was helping to restock the infirmary.”
            Garak refused to acknowledge the apology. Jabara decided to ignore his moodiness. She gave him another hypospray of painkiller and checked his vitals.
            “I should be able to start repairing your wrist tomorrow. Although, I’d recommend you let Doctor Bashir take a look at it.” She finished hopefully.
            “I don’t trust Federation doctors.” Garak sneered.
            “And, you trust me?” Jabara’s tone dripped with skepticism.
            “Hardly. But, as you’ve not killed me yet…”
            “Well, I think Doctor Bashir is going to be a very good asset to the station. He does tend to talk too much, and he puts his foot in his mouth often enough. He’s young and naïve. He’ll learn.” Jabara kept up a string of chatter knowing that Garak was utterly miserable, stuck in his quarters allow. The stubborn Cardassian was just too proud to admit the truth.
            “And, this is who you want to have a look at me?” Garak raised his eye ridge and immediately regretted the action. He winced.
            Jabara scanned Garak’s head. “Any nausea?”
            “Only when I move.” Garak responded sardonically.
            “It’s just going to take time for it to heal. Anyway, Doctor Bashir seems very talented, some people say he’s brilliant.”
            “Brilliant and naïve rarely occur in the same person.” Garak scoffed.
            “Then you should be very interested to meet him.”
            Garak said nothing.
            “It’s too bad he hasn’t managed to make any friends. The other officers treat him like a child.”
            “Really?” This had gotten Garak’s attention.
            “I’m going to give you a sedative to help you sleep. I’ll be in here tomorrow to work on your wrist.” She injected Garak before he could protest. 


General comments and constructive criticism welcome. Feel free to comment. 

I acknowledge that Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Cardassia, etc. are the property of either Paramount or CBS, not entirely sure which due to the changes in 2006. The story is however mine, and done solely for entertainment purposes.


First Impressions

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