Edits Coding

BLUE is changes directly from my beta, shri_tal

RED is others feedback and things I found on my own

YELLOW is things I changed after reviewing my beta's comments, but are not direct suggestions

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Useless (Part 10 of the Drabble Series)

Ratings: MC

Set During: Season 1 Episode 5 “Babel”

            Julian had been terrified to discover that the virus had finally rendered him incapable of communicating. He had wandered into the main ward after realizing he would not be doing more research. He would have to wait for Major Kira to find the scientist responsible for this virus; and hope that something could be done. Miles was surrounded by his family.
            He moved pass them to where Garak lay shivering. The man opened his eyes once Julian’s footsteps stopped. He was surprised to find him conscious.
            “That bad?” Garak wheezed; he could barely breath.
            Julian looked at him puzzled, what was being said. He wanted to ease the man’s suffering. He looked at the hyposprays and tried to figure out which was filled with an oxygenating agent. He couldn’t read the labels, and didn’t dare guess.
            He looked back over at Garak helplessly. He started to say that he was sorry, but stopped. Garak was observing him with a shrewd expression. Julian finally settled for taking the cold hand in his own.
            “You too.” Garak wheezed.
            Julian motioned him to be quiet. Garak gripped his hand. It was both an acknowledgement of the gesture and a thank you. He was struggling to stay conscious again, afraid of falling back to sleep.
            Julian noticed the struggle. He wanted to tell Garak to rest, but didn’t know how. Finally, he settled on dragging a chair over to beside the bed. He sat down in it and resumed the reassuring grip of Garak’s hand. He could offer a comforting presence.
            Garak relaxed slightly and was soon unconscious. Julian felt exhausted. He laid his head down on the edge of the bed and fell asleep.
            Julian was awoken sometime later by a hypo being administered to him. He looked at the unfamiliar Bajor holding the device. Major Kira was on the other side of the ward administering hypos to the O’Briens.
            “I’m glad I found your tests. It helped me develop a cure for this virus.” Julian was surprised.
            “I… I’m glad that… you… were able to find a cure.” Julian stuttered.
            The Bajoran administered a dose to the unconscious Garak. “I think it will take longer for those in a more advanced state to be cured.”
            “Probably. The complications from the viruses effect are going to be another factor.” Julian picked up a tricorder and started scanning Garak.
            “I’m sure you’ll be able handle it just fine.” The older Bajoran doctor looked appraisingly at the young Starfleet one before him. “You did good work.”
            “I’m just glad you were able to finish it.” Julian smiled.
            The Bajoran left for the makeshift ward. Julian concentrated on examining Garak; he stirred to wakefulness. He looked questioningly at Bashir.
            “You’ll be fine. The virus will be completely gone in a few hours. It will take a few days for you to complete recover from the complications.”
            Garak closed his eyes. “Thank you, Doctor.”
            “I’ll be able to release you as soon as I’m sure the virus is completely out of your system. But, you’ll want to take it easy for a few days.”
            Garak nodded without opening his eyes.
            Julian turned to leave, but reconsidered. He turned back around. Garak opened one of his eyes fractionally, his face clear showed questioning interest.
            “Would you like to have lunch sometime?” Julian paused. “After you’re feeling better of course.”
            Garak smiled benignly. “That sounds wonderful, Doctor.” 


General comments and constructive criticism welcome. Feel free to comment. 

I acknowledge that Elim Garak, Julian Bashir, Cardassia, etc. are the property of either Paramount or CBS, not entirely sure which due to the changes in 2006. The story is however mine, and done solely for entertainment purposes.


Lunch Discoveries

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